
1893 spanish mauser parts
1893 spanish mauser parts

His first military rifle design had been perfected in the late 1860s, and he and his brother Wilhelm had created a company that was to become one of the giants of the international firearms industry. The Modelo 1893 was developed by Paul Mauser of Oberndorf am Neckar, Germany. The board of officers who conducted the investigation laid the blame where I believe it was deserved, on the superior firepower of the Spaniards' Modelo 1893 Mauser rifles. To have such losses inflicted upon them by such inferior numbers was a shock, and in the usual military manner, an investigation was conducted.

1893 spanish mauser parts

That was almost 20 percent of their attacking force. When the brave-if disorganized-assault was over, the Americans discovered to their dismay that they had suffered more than 1,400 casualties. The attacking force numbered approximately 6,600 American soldiers, most of them regulars, armed with the then-new smokeless-powder Krag-Jorgensen rifle and supported by artillery and Gatling gun fire. During the American assault on the strategic Cuban city of Santiago, 750 Spanish troops defended positions on San Juan and Kettle hills. military history and the development of modern, military small arms. On July 1, 1898, during the Spanish-American War, a battle occurred that would be one of the turning points in both U.S.

1893 spanish mauser parts